Friday 15 June 2012

The Freedom to Read

One thing I love about reading is that you can chose what to read. You can change the genre depending on what you feel like reading; what sort of world you want to suberge yourself in. If you are calm, you can chose to read a calm book, or even a more adventurous book if you feel the need to change your mood. What you can read is limited only by the space on your bookshelf (or by the amount of floor space left, depending on how many books you own). You can get a fresh book if needs be, and with new things like internet books and kindles, said fresh book is never far away.

We all have favourite genres- mine probably being adventure-fantasy. You generally own a fair number of series' or books from this genre, so we can access it easily. We chose our 'favouite' because we enjoy it, but its nice to read outside the genre too. Just yesterday I was reading The Best of Sherlock Holmes, and although I admit the older version was a little boring in places, I am glad to have read it and am now more familiar with the style of book. Do you read outside of you chosen genre, and step outside the box?


  1. Actually, I've been reading the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes every now and then.
    Do you mind telling me the titles of the chapters/stories in your sherlock holmes book?

  2. Not at all. The short stories include 'A Scandal in Bohemia', 'The Red-Headed League', 'The Boscombe Valley Mystery', and many others.

  3. I agree, when I feel tired I read an old children's book, from when I was younger (actually I read lots of them because they are very short) and when it is night and I have just finished a book I often read Goosebumps because they are good books but they can only ever make you a teeny bit scared if it as night, so I can appreciate them the most then.

  4. I'm a great Sherlock Holmes fan too. I am in a book club where I get to read outside my favourite genres. I am always surprised by how rewarding I find it.
